28 Best Modeling Agencies in NYC (2021)
This list will help fashion models, photographers and agents quickly research the most prestigious, as well as boutique, modeling agencies that have offices in New York.
Updated in September 2021
If you know agencies that are not on this list, let me know!
1. RED Model Management
Address: 450 West 31st Street 9th Floor, New York, NY 10001
Email: contact@rednyc.com
Phone: 212.785.1999
2. DNA Model Management
Address: 555 WEST 25TH ST, 6TH FL, NEW YORK, NY 10001
info@dnamodels.com (general)
submission.women@dnamodels.com (women submissions)
submission.men@dnamodels.com (men submissions)
Phone: 212.226.0080
3. IMG Models
Address: 304 Park Ave South, Penthouse North, New York, NY 10010
Email: Not provided. Check website for online application or open calls.
212.253.8884 (main)
212.477.9382 (development)

4. Official Models NY
Address: 147 west 4th street, New York, NY 10012
info@officialmodelsny.com (general)
kevin@officialmodelsny.com (Kevin Fitzpatrick, Director)
joanna@officialmodelsny.com (Joanna Gallo, Agent)
sofiane@officialmodelsny.com (Sofiane Fellahi, Agent)
muhuan@officialmodelsny.com (Muhuan Liu, Controller & Agent)
yoselin@officialmodelsny.com (Yoselin Colorado, Agent)
santiago@officialmodelsny.com (Santiago Chacon, Agent)
armind@officialmodelsny.com (Armind Ventura, Scout and Agent)
kira@officialmodelsny.com (Kira Alvarez, Editorial Agent)
Phone: 212.729.6650
5. APM Models
Address: 53 West 36th Street, Suite 602, New York, NY 10018
Email: info@apmmodels.com
Phone: 212.966.3336
6. Major Model Management
Address: 344 W. 38th st. Suite 602, New York NY, 10018
Email: info@majormodel.com
Phone: 212.685.1200
7. Ford Models
Address: 11 East 26th Street, 14th Floor, New York, NY 10010
Email: ny@fordmodels.com
Phone: 212.219.6500

8. New York Model Management
Address: 71 West 23rd Street, Suite 301, New York, NY 10010
Phone: 212.539.1700
9. Wilhelmina Models
Address: 300 PARK AVENUE SOUTH, NEW YORK, NY 10010
nycwomen@wilhelmina.com (women)
nycmen@wilhelmina.com (men)
sportsandfitness@wilhelmina.com (sports & fitness)
Phone: 212.473.0700

10. VNY Models
Address: 260 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10010
Email: info@vnymodels.com
Phone: 212.206.1012
11. Elite Model Management
Address: 245 fifth avenue, 24th floor, New York, NY 10016
Email: info@elitemodel.com
Phone: 212.529.9700
12. Next Management
Address: 15 Watts Street, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10013
Email: submissions@nextmodels.com
Phone: 212.925.5100
13. Bella Agency
Address: 270 Lafayette St. Suite 802, New York, NY 10012
Email: info@bellaagency.com
Phone: 212.965.9200
14. STATE Management
Address: 525 7th Ave, Ste 904, New York NY 10018
Phone: 212.302.7792
15. Heroes Model Management
Address: 50 Greene St, New York, NY 10013
Email: info@heroesmodels.com
Phone: 212.226.2790

16. Muse Model Management
Address: 150 Broadway, #1101, New York, NY 10038
Email: info@musenyc.com
Phone: 212.625.2356
17. Women 360
Address: 55 Hudson Yards, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10001
Email: info@w360management.com
Phone: 212.334.7480

18. Lions Model Management
Address: 286 5th Ave floor 12, New York, NY 10001
Email: work@thelionsmanagement.com
Phone: 212.226.7360
19. The Society New York
Address: 55 Hudson Yards 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10001
Email: info@thesocietymanagement.com
Phone: 212.377.5025
20. Women Management
Address: 55 Hudson Yards, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10001
Email: info@womenmanagement.com
Phone: 212.226.7360
21. Fenton Models
Address: 207 East 63rd Street, Suite 1W, New York, NY 10065
Email: fm@fentonmodels.com
Phone: 212.758.9500
22. Marylin Model Agency
Address: 210 11th Avenue, Suite 704, New York, NY 10001
Email: info@marilyn-ny.com
Phone: 212.260.6500
23. EMG Models
Address: 32 Union Sq East, 10th Fl, Ste 1001, New York, NY 10003
Phone: 212.505.0600
24. Stetts Model Management
Address: Cubico Building, 46 Howard St, New York, NY 10013
Email: Not provided.
Phone: Not provided.
25. Bicoastal Management
Address: 264 W 40th St Suite 502, New York, NY 10018
bookings@bicoastalmgmt.com (commercial, print, fashion, kids, showroom and plus models)
fit@bicoastalmgmt.com (fit models)
Phone: 212.590.0129

26. We Speak Model Management
Address: 276 5th Ave #704, New York, NY 10001
info@wespeakmodels.com (bookings & clients)
submissions@wespeakmodels.com (model inquiries)
Phone: 917.274.7324
27. Q Management NYC
Address: 354 Broadway, New York, NY 10013
Email: nyc@qmanagementinc.com
212.807.6777 (women)
212.807.6111 (men)
28. JAG Models
Address: 154 West 14th Street, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10011
Email: jag@jagmodels.com
Phone: 646.398.9684
👉🏼 Looking for a photographer? Contact me.
Instagram: giorgioberidze
Website: www.georgeberidze.com
Email: hello@georgeberidze.com
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Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with any of the agencies mentioned in this article. Also, the order in which they are listed is arbitrary. Information in this article was publicly available and accurate at the time of writing.